Commission Meetings - July 24, 2017 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
July 24, 2017 - 2:00pm

PDF: PDF icon 2017.07.24_OSB meeting minutes_approved.pdf





Monday, July 24, 2017

2:00 P.M.

City Hall, Room 400

1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102



Mark Dwight, President
Stephen Adams, Vice President

Kathleen Dooley, William Ortiz-Cartagena

Irene Yee Riley, Paul Tour-Sarkissian, Miriam Zouzounis


1.                Call to order and roll call.

The meeting was called to order at 2:06 PM.  

Commissioners Dooley, Dwight, Ortiz-Cartagena, Tour-Sarkissian, and Yee Riley were present.

Commissioners Adams and Zouzounis were absent.

Staff in attendance: Regina Dick-Endrizzi (Executive Director), Menaka Mahajan (Senior Policy Analyst), and Richard Kurylo (Legacy Business Program Manager).


2.                General Public Comment. (Discussion Item)

No members of the public requested to speak.


3.                Small Business Commission Certificate of Honor recognizing Mark Quinn’s service as the Small Business Administration (SBA) Northern California District Director from 1989 to 2017.  (Discussion Item)

Commissioner Dwight delivered remarks honoring Mark Quinn’s service as the Small Business Administration (SBA) Northern California District Director. Commissioner Ortiz-Cartagena thanked Mr. Quinn for his dedication to working with small business owners in the Latino community in San Francisco, and for his partnership and friendship. Director Dick-Endrizzi expressed her appreciation for Mr. Quinn’s mentorship and guidance, and highlighted his many contributions to San Francisco’s business community. Commissioner Yee Riley thanked Mr. Quinn for his support of seminars and workshops conducted in Mandarin and Cantonese.


Mr. Quinn spoke about his work with the Small Business Administration (SBA), specifically the progress that the SBA has made in its ability to serve the City and County of San Francisco. Mr. Quinn also mentioned that he would continue working with the SBA, but in a different capacity.


Commissioner Tour-Sarkissian commended Mr. Quinn. Commissioner Dwight read a message from Jesse Torres (Deputy Director and Small Business Advocate, Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development), who thanked Mr. Quinn for his advocacy for small business and his commitment to nurturing California entrepreneurs in all stages of their business development.     


The Commissioners presented Mr. Quinn with a certificate and took photographs.


Public Comment: Stephen Cornell, Henry Karnilowicz, Angel Cardoz, Claudia Viek, Ria Agenalda, Antonio Dos, Kelly Hauge (on behalf of Scott Hauge), and Steve Bangs thanked Mr. Quinn for his leadership and dedication to helping small business.  


Note: Item 5 was called before Item 4.


5.                Bimonthly Report for the Legacy Business Program for May and June 2017. (Discussion and Possible Action Item)

Richard Kurylo (Legacy Business Program Manager, Office of Small Business) presented the Bimonthly Report for the Legacy Business Program.


Commissioner Dwight asked about a specific rent stabilization grant. Commissioner Tour-Sarkissian inquired about the discrepancy between the number of business applications received and the number of applications that came before the Commission. Mr. Kurylo clarified that the remaining businesses are scheduled to be heard by the Commission. Commissioner Dooley asked if formula retail can be considered a legacy business. Commissioner Yee Riley used the GAP as an example, and asked about a minimum number of employees. Commissioner Dooley asked for more discussion on this topic in the future.


            Public Comment:

Henry Karnilowicz spoke about formula retail being considered legacy business.  


4.                Board of Supervisors File No. 170514 – Planning Code - Fulton Street Grocery Store Special Use District. (Discussion and Possible Action Item)

Supervisor London Breed presented the Fulton Street Grocery Store Special Use District legislation, focusing on outreach, community need, the process behind the legislation’s development, and the choice of store that will be built at the designated location. Additionally, Supervisor Breed elaborated on the terms of the lease.


Commissioner Dooley clarified that the legislation affects just one parcel. Commissioner Tour-Sarkissian asked about affordability, potential guarantees that the company will continue to offer affordable prices, defining ‘affordability’ in the legislation, and what happens if the business leaves the lot.


Public Comment:

Gail Baugh spoke in support of the legislation.     


Motion: Commissioner Yee Riley motioned to recommend that the Board of Supervisors approve BOS File No. 170514.

2nd: Commissioner Dooley.

Aye: Commissioners Dooley, Dwight, Ortiz-Cartagena, Tour-Sarkissian, and Yee Riley.

Nay: None.

Absent: Commissioners Adams and Zouzounis.

Motion passed 5-0, 2 absent.


6.                Cannabis Policy Presentation. (Discussion Item)

Menaka Mahajan (Senior Policy Analyst, Office of Small Business) reviewed past cannabis legislation, the current Medical Cannabis Dispensary (MCD) program in San Francisco, and the programs of neighboring cities and counties.


Commissioner Dooley left the meeting at 4:16 PM.


Commissioner Dwight asked about cultivation regulations. He discussed the appropriateness of grow houses, noise and odor, the displacement of Production, Distribution, and Repair (PDR) businesses, and negative externalities. Commissioner Dooley asked about restrictions on cannabis versus liquor stores. Commissioner Ortiz-Cartagena highlighted the importance of examining clustering. The Commissioner also addressed brick-and-mortar vs. website delivery. Commissioner Tour-Sarkissian requested Cannabis Task Force recommendations.


Public Comment:

Chris Schulman thanked the Commission for addressing this topic, and asked for continued and timely support as this issue is addressed.

Teresa Duquz asked for greater outreach to the community and that this issue be addressed at an appropriate pace.


7.                Approval of meeting minutes. (Action Item)

Public Comment: No members of the public requested to speak.


Motion: Commissioner Yee Riley motioned to approve the July 10, 2017 draft meeting minutes and the April 10, 2017 draft meeting minutes.

2nd: Commissioner Ortiz-Cartagena.

Aye: All in favor.

Nay: None.

Absent: Commissioners Adams, Dooley, and Zouzounis.

Motion passed 4-0, 3 absent.


8.                Director’s Report. (Discussion Item)

Director Dick-Endrizzi discussed staff presentations, legislation, and the autonomous delivery devices demo.

Public Comment: No members of the public requested to speak.


9.                Commissioners’ Reports. (Discussion Item)


Public Comment: No members of the public requested to speak.


10.              New Business. (Discussion Item)

Commissioner Dwight asked staff to look into expanding the restriction for Production, Distribution, and Repair (PDR) to include Urban Mixed Use (UMU).

Public Comment: No members of the public requested to speak.


11.              Adjournment. (Action Item)

Motion: Commissioner Yee Riley motioned to adjourn.

2nd: Commissioner Ortiz-Cartagena.

Aye: All in favor.

Nay: None.

Absent: Commissioners Adams, Dooley, and Zouzounis.

Motion passed 4-0, 3 absent.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:36 PM.