Commission Meetings - May 22, 2017 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
May 22, 2017 - 2:00pm

PDF: PDF icon 2017.05.22_OSB meeting minutes_approved.pdf


Monday, May 22, 2017
2:00 P.M.
City Hall, Room 400
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102
Mark Dwight, President
Stephen Adams, Vice President
Kathleen Dooley, William Ortiz-Cartagena
Irene Yee Riley, Paul Tour-Sarkissian, Miriam Zouzounis
  1. Call to order and roll call.
The meeting was called to order at 2:03 PM.
Commissioners Dooley, Dwight, Ortiz-Cartagena, Tour-Sarkissian, and Zouzounis were present.
Commissioners Adams and Yee Riley were absent.
Staff in attendance: Regina Dick-Endrizzi (Executive Director), Menaka Mahajan (Senior Policy Analyst), and Richard Kurylo (Legacy Business Program Manager).
  1. General Public Comment. (Discussion Item)
No members of the public requested to speak.
  1. Board of Supervisors File No. 170350 – Pay Parity Ordinance. (Discussion and Action Item)
Kanishka Karunaratne (Legislative Aide, Office of Supervisor Mark Farrell) explained the intent of the legislation – to narrow the gender-based wage gap – and its main provisions.
Commissioner Dwight asked whether employers may ask applicants about their salary expectations. Commissioner Dooley inquired about jurisdiction over businesses that operate outside of San Francisco. Commissioner Ortiz-Cartagena expressed concern that small businesses might not be made aware of the ordinance.
Commissioner Tour-Sarkissian asked whether employers could announce the position’s salary range.
Commissioner Zouzounis inquired about costs for small businesses and whether they would be allowed to use premade forms with the salary question manually removed. Commissioner Tour-Sarkissian asked about voluntary disclosure, larger human resources companies, and if employers could look at nationwide salary statistics from companies outside San Francisco. The Commission also recommended the removal of “organization” and “other person” from the implementation and enforcement section to prevent unnecessary litigation.
Public Comment: No members of the public requested to speak.
Motion: Commissioner Zouzounis motioned to recommend changes, including striking of “organization” and “other person” from Section 3300J.5(b), and clarification of exceptions related to voluntary disclosure and publicly available salary information.
2nd: Commissioner Dooley.
Aye: Commissioners Dooley, Dwight, Ortiz-Cartagena, Tour-Sarkissian, and Zouzounis.
Nay: None.
Absent: Commissioners Adams and Yee Riley.
Motion passed 5-0, 2 absent.
  1. Annual Report for the Legacy Business Program. (Discussion and Possible Action Item)
Richard Kurylo (Legacy Business Program Manager, Office of Small Business) reviewed the Legacy Business Program’s annual report for fiscal year 2016-17.
Commissioner Dwight asked for clarification on the deficit, recommending that recurring requests be identified. Commissioners Tour-Sarkissian and Dwight spoke about the management of funds, offering a rationale for dividing funding among small businesses. Commissioner Ortiz-Cartagena expressed concern over the allocation of funds, reaffirming that small businesses are the priority. Commissioner Dooley pointed out that allotments are not likely to be the same from year to year.
Director Dick-Endrizzi addressed confusion over carrying funds forward and prioritization of funds in future years. The next step would be drawing up a projected balance without a deficit; Director Dick-Endrizzi offered to discuss projections at a future meeting.
Motion: Commissioner Tour-Sarkissian motioned to approve the annual report.
2nd: Commissioner Dooley.
Aye: Commissioners Dooley, Dwight, Ortiz-Cartagena, Tour-Sarkissian, and Zouzounis.
Nay: None.
Absent: Commissioners Adams and Yee Riley.
Motion passed 5-0, 2 absent.
  1. Legacy Business Historic Preservation Fund Rules and Regulations for Rent Stabilization Grants. (Action Item)
Richard Kurylo (Legacy Business Program Manager, Office of Small Business) presented.
Commissioner Tour-Sarkissian clarified entitlements concerning lease extension and related deadlines.
Public Comment: No members of the public requested to speak.
Motion: Commissioner Tour-Sarkissian motioned to approve the proposed amendments.
2nd: Commissioner Dooley.
Aye: Commissioners Dooley, Dwight, Ortiz-Cartagena, Tour-Sarkissian, and Zouzounis.
Nay: None.
Absent: Commissioners Adams and Yee Riley.
Motion passed 5-0, 2 absent.
Item #4 was reopened.
Public Comment: No members of the public requested to speak.
Motion: Commissioner Tour-Sarkissian motioned to approve the annual report.
2nd: Commissioner Dooley.
Aye: Commissioners Dooley, Dwight, Ortiz-Cartagena, Tour-Sarkissian, and Zouzounis.
Nay: None.
Absent: Commissioners Adams and Yee Riley.
Motion passed 5-0, 2 absent.
  1. Approval of meeting minutes. (Action Item)
Motion: Commissioner Dooley motioned to approve the April 24, 2017 meeting minutes.
2nd: Commissioner Ortiz-Cartagena.
Aye: Commissioners Dooley, Dwight, Ortiz-Cartagena, Tour-Sarkissian, and Zouzounis.
Nay: None.
Absent: Commissioners Adams and Yee Riley.
Motion passed 5-0, 2 absent.
  1. Director’s Report.  (Discussion Item)
Director Dick-Endrizzi introduced Barbara Tokarzewski (Summer Intern) and discussed Small Business Week, small business community updates, new office space, and legislative updates.
Public Comment: No members of the public requested to speak.
  1. Commissioners' Reports. (Discussion Item)
Commissioner Dwight thanked Adam Straus, Joey Blaszczyk, and Mark Quinn for their contributions during Small Business Week. He reported that he interviewed 6 founders at the Founders' Stories Interviews and participated in Flavors of San Francisco. Commissioner Dooley attended the Board of Supervisors' Small Business Awards and District 3's Urban Design Guidelines presentation by the Planning Department. Commissioner Ortiz-Cartagena attended a Mission Economic Development Agency event and the Latino Business Awards; he thanked the sponsor, Bank of America, and Don Ramon’s for the venue.
Public Comment: No members of the public requested to speak.
  1. New Business. (Discussion Item)
Public Comment: No members of the public requested to speak.
  1. Adjournment. (Action Item)
Motion: Commissioner Ortiz-Cartagena motioned to adjourn.
2nd: Commissioner Dooley.
Aye: All in favor.
Nay: None.
Absent: Commissioners Adams and Yee Riley.
Motion passed 5-0, 2 absent.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:09 PM.